Allison's Story

White British
Sexual Orientation
Relationship status
In a relationship

Do you have any tips or advice that may help others support those who are going through treatment, including with any ongoing side effects?

Seek support, counselling sessions help get everything off your chest and allow the time to cry, vent, and reflect.

Please tell us how their treatment impacted your life the most.

Our closeness and intimacy has gone. Regular walks and trips away have stopped because of treatment and fatigue. Nearly a year from diagnosis there is now a new normal.

Thinking about your own wellbeing, what has helped you to cope, and where have you gone to find support? What tips and advice would you give to others?

I took up a new hobby to focus on when he rests, and find a small circle of close friends give me the support and time to talk, cry and be open. Initially there was lots of secret crying and worry, I am better now but still have random moments with the fear of him dying, I now deal with them then move on.

Do you have any tips or advice that may help others support those who are going through treatment, including with any ongoing side effects?

Try and understand how they feel and what they are experiencing. Have a weekly countdown, once past halfway start to plan something both can enjoy a few weeks after the last treatment, giving something positive to focus on.

Please tell us how their treatment impacted your life the most.

Specific days throughout the treatment cycle were worse than others with fatigue and sickness. Risk of infection was a worry. Having to continue working, give support and continue within the house was hard.

Thinking about your own wellbeing, what has helped you to cope, and where have you gone to find support? What tips and advice would you give to others?

Our local Maggies centre supported me at times when I felt alone. Grief counselling has helped me cope with the future and what lies ahead. It is never to early to speak to professionals. There is no specific partners/wives support groups in my area, so I have joined a few online groups which helps share experiences, questions, fears and hope.

Do you have any tips or advice that may help others support those who are going through treatment, including with any ongoing side effects?

Plan ahead, routes to hospital, timings, identity possible toilet stops, have a back up bag for any accidents.

Please tell us how their treatment impacted your life the most.

Daily trips to hospital for four weeks was hard. I was unable to take time of work and felt helpless each day not being able to attend with him to offer support was hard.

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